Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Data Driven Decision Making Essay - 1470 Words

How Data Driven Decision Making is leading to School Success Tameka Crook Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University EDL 543 Abstract Data collection has been around for years in one form or another. The implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act stimulated dedicated educators to learn the correlation between data driven decision-making and successful school improvement plans. The legislative goal was to ensure academic success across all socioeconomic frontiers. Districts across the country were steered into driving their instruction with data and teacher collaboration. This has lead to districts that have successfully found the correlation between data driven decision-making and success. How Data Driven Decision Making is leading to School Success Data driven decision-making is leading to school success for many apparent reasons. Data driven decision-making is the direct correlation between teachers, curriculum coaches, principals, district educational supervisors, superintendent, and board members. According to Boudett and Moody (2005), the first important step in a successful data driven environment is the gathering of the group that will bare the responsibility for the procedural and executional procedural stages of data analysis. Data driven decision-making is the analytical gathering and dissecting of a variety of data (test scores, course grades, teacher observation, discipline, free and reduced lunch, and other demographicShow MoreRelated1. Ravikumar,Prashanth. Summary:. The Two Articles I Performed1210 Words   |  5 PagesMaster Data Management to Big Data† and â€Å"When big data goes lean†. The article â€Å"Linking Master Data Management to Big Data† provides a helpful perspective connection between MDM and Big Data. The article provides two main perspectives about the link between Big Data and MDM. 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