Wednesday, April 15, 2020

11 Popular Romance Tropes †and How to Make Them New Again

11 Popular Romance Tropes - and How to Make Them New Again 11 Popular Romance Tropes - and How to Make Them New Again â€Å"And they lived happily ever after.† This line alone should give you an idea that this article is talking about the romance genre. And while a Happily Ever After is really a non-optional feature of the genre, authors can choose to incorporate romance tropes to provide readers with instantly recognizable markers that help them immediately relate to the love story at hand.Tropes are plot devices, characters, images, or themes that are incorporated so frequently in a genre that they’re seen as conventional. â€Å"Trope† is often seen as a dirty word, because it feels interchangeable with the word â€Å"clichà ©.† And while authors shouldn’t simply duplicate story formulas that have proven popular, incorporating tropes can provide a signal to readers about what kind of book they’re dealing with. At their core, tropes are really just things that are familiar. And people enjoy the familiar.So if you’re an aspiring romance writer, do yo urself a favor by getting acquainted with the popular romance tropes out there. It will help you get an idea of what romance readers already like, and will help you write stories that feel refreshing and new. You can start with this list! 10 of the most popular romance tropes - and how to make them new again Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget Read post Develop unique characters, write meet-cutes that resonate with the theme of your story, pepper your narrative arc with conflict and tension that feel real. Most of all, pay attention to the love story you’re writing, and work on developing that in a way that draws readers in and encourages emotional investment. Finally, evaluate whether you’re using a trope simply because you know readers like it, or because it adds value to your story. There’s nothing wrong with including elements you know readers love, so long as it enhances the story in one way or another.With love, ReedsyIf you want even more amazing tropes, check out the following Reedsy Discovery posts on romance:The 25 Best Romance Authors (And Their Must-Reads)30+ Best Young Adult Romance Books That You Can't Miss Out On40+ Paranormal Romance Books with BiteAnd let us know your own favorite tropes in the comments!  Ã°Å¸â€™â€"