Saturday, December 28, 2019

Warning Industry Spin And The Center For Food Safety

In a Huffington Post article published on February 11, 2014 titled â€Å"Warning: Industry Spin May Be Hazardous to Your Health; Learn the Truth About GE Foods,† Elizabeth Kucinich, the policy director for the Center for Food Safety, strongly discusses the dangers of consuming genetically modified foods, which causes unpredictable allergic reactions, encourages rapid evolution for resistance in pests, and creates herbicide resistance leading to an overuse of chemicals. Empowering consumers about what’s in their food is an important issue because everyone has the right to know what’s going into their body, especially when it’s altered food. Letters from advocates of food labeling have poured into President Obama’s office, asking him to â€Å"fulfill†¦show more content†¦Further, the technology that big corporations use to create genetically modified foods are not available to small farmers, who suffer with huge economic losses. Lastly, herb icide resistance can possibly lead to the overuse of chemicals, polluting our fresh air and water. As discussed in class, issues brought upon by GMOs are discussed by Kucinich in great detail. The theme of agriculture and even more specifically genetically modified organisms helped to critically examine the dangers and hazards of such GMOs. Knowing the potential issues with GMOs from class helped understand and effectively critique this article more. The examples and real world statistics in this article magnified the importance of GMO labeling and the dangers imposed upon consumers who eat such foods. One group, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, brought together a panel of huge mega corporations that participate in GE food production and created the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food. This coalition supports genetic engineering and GMO crops and products that contain them. The coalition states various goals, such as â€Å"Prevent states from passing legislation mandating information about genetically engineered GMO food products.† The Coalition for Safe Affordable Foods has stated many claims advocating the use of geneticallyShow MoreRelatedPG Business Strategy Analysis4963 Words   |  20 Pagesbillion-dollar brands. Its business is divided into three global units: beauty, health and well being, and household care. It also makes pet food and water filters and produces soap operas. Some 25 of PGs brands are billion-dollar sellers, including Gillette Fusion, Always/Whisper, Braun, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Downy/Lenor, Folgers (which it reportedly plans to spin off), Gil lette, Iams, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, Pringles, Tide, and Wella, among others. Acquisitive PG bought Clairol in 2001 and a majorityRead MoreVolcanoes Essay3860 Words   |  16 Pagesdesigned to shed ash, with steep-sloping sides. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Mobile Phone Cloning - 1069 Words

MOBILE PHONE CLONING WHAT IS CELL PHONE CLONING? Cell phone cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to another mobile telephone. Usually this is done for the purpose of making fraudulent telephone calls. The bills for the calls go to the legitimate subscriber. The cloner is also able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts another group of interested users. Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The result is that the cloned phone can make and receive calls and the charges for those calls are billed to the legitimate subscriber. The service provider†¦show more content†¦And the worst part is that there isn’t much that you can do to prevent this. Such crime first came to light in January 2005 when the Delhi police arrested a person with 20 cell phones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA-based mobile phones. He used software for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia. A similar racket came to light in Mumbai resulting in the arrest of four mobile dealers Introduction While mobile cloning is an emerging threat for Indian subscribers, it has been happening in other telecom markets since the 1990s, though mostly with regard to CDMA phones. Pleas in an US District Court in 1997 effectively ended West Texas authorities first case of `phone cloning. Authorities in the case estimated the loss at $3,000 to $4,000 for each number used. Southwestern Bell claims wireless fraud costs the industry $650 million each year in the US. Some federal agents in the US have called phone cloning an especially `popular crime because it is hard to trace. Back home, police officers say the Yasin case is just the tip of the iceberg and have asked operators to improve their technology. But the operators claim they can t do much for now. It s like stealing cars or duplicating credit card numbers. The service providers cannot do much exceptShow MoreRelatedCell Phone Cloning3071 Words   |  13 PagesCELL PHONE CLONING Abstract You might have read news of the cloning of sheep or cattle with amused interest. But how would you feel if somebody `cloned your mobile phone? Technology is finally rearing up its dark side. Along with the proliferation of technological innovations, this era also marks the birth of the new-age IT criminals in a big way, with the latest technology fraud being cell phone cloning. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Integrated Market Communication Capability â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Integrated Market Communication Capability? Answer: Introduction There has been an increase in the integrated marketing communication tools being used by the companies in order to survive in this competitive market. As opined by Percy (2014), the integrated marketing communication can be defined as the application of the consistent brand messages that are implemented in the traditional as well as non-traditional marketing channels. There have been significant changes in the marketing process over the years and the companies are increasingly accommodating the changing preferences of the consumers (Percy 2014). The organizations have started developing holistic marketing campaigns that have helped them to reach the target audience in a better way. The selected product for the purpose of this report is organic foods and the company selected is Honest to Goodness. The company background and the description of the product would be done. The target market would be defined along with the positioning strategy of the company. The goals of the communication methods would be outlined along with the concerned message. The promotional mix of the new products would be analyzed and media strategy of the company would be defined. Company Background and Product Description Honest to Goodness is an Australian organic and natural food company that has been voted as the favorite organic food brand of the country ( 2017). The company believes in the manufacturing, procuring and delivery of healthy foods and they believe in the methods of sustainable food production. The product range of the brand is the naturally grown healthy foods, which are available at affordable costs ( 2017). Honest to Goodness is a certified brand that operates as wholesaler, retailer and distributor of various natural and organic foods ( 2017). The food products are strictly handled under the ACO guidelines. The company strives to encourage locally grown products where it supports the local communities as well as regional Australia ( 2017). The organic food firm has a vision of creating a healthy, sustainable as well as better future for the community. The main products of the company include organic and natural grocery items such as vinegars, oils, coconut products, dried fruits, salts, herbs and others ( 2017). The products undergo minimal processing and they lack artificial flavors, sweeteners or colors. The products are also free from hydrogenated oils and palm oils ( 2017). The products are grown under strict organic conditions and their production facilities or the warehouse is never fumigated. They abide by the strict food handling guidelines and they have a strong quality management system so that the customers get the best possible products. Target Market The target market for the organic foods is primarily segregated into three segments. They are discussed as under- Core consumers- The core consumers of the company include the extremely dedicated ones and comprise of 21% of the target audience (Bryman and Bell 2015). These kinds of customers display their dedication through their behaviors as well as their attitudes. The core consumers are most aware of these kind of customers, who like to engage in discussions regarding organic foods. Mid-level consumers- The mid-level of consumers make up almost 65% of the target market customers and they comprise the bulk of the companys customers (Percy 2014). The mid-level consumers are making a transition from the unhealthy food options to the naturally grown products (Briz, Ward and Ortega 2017). They are making subsequent changes in behaviour and attitudes so that they can be a part of the healthy food consumption. Periphery consumers- These kinds of customers account for over 14% sales of the organic foods. This segment has least behavioral changes and they have slowly started to opt for organic food products (Wee et al. 2014). They only make minimal purchases or during some months, they do not make any purchases at all. The periphery customers have slowly started to incline towards the organic foods as they have adopted healthy lifestyle. Positioning Strategy The positioning strategy of the company include- To provide modern, safe and healthy food options to the community so that they can enjoy better quality of life The company makes sure that their offering is unique and safe, which would attract a large number of consumers (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The company aims to make a clear difference in the market by combining the effort of retailer, stakeholders, traders and other entities. The organization wants to make a clear difference by creating optimal brand experience. The brand aims to create wide number of mouth to mouth advertising by spreading on their good work (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The brand believes in the fact that the product packaging has a major impact on the product positioning. The packaging is the primary thing that the customer notices before actually purchasing the products. It is important to include the certification labels, private product levels and others so that the customers can easily identify with the same (Armstrong et al. 2015). The company believes in the optimal package design which would show that the brands products are healthy, transparent, natural and safe to use (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The organic food products should be distinguished from the normal food products and it is the duty of the company to incorporate appropriate food labels. The rationale of this positioning strategy is to educate the consumers regarding the new type of products. It is important to consumers regarding the health benefits of the organic food products so that there is greater brand awareness (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). It is also important to position the products well within the health conscious customers, who are striving to achieve an optimum quality of life. Communication Goal The marketing campaigns should be properly structured so that they can reach the desired target market. The company uses AIDA model for targeting their audiences and this makes the company to better respond to the needs/preferences of the target market. The objectives of the communication goal of the company are discussed below- The company aims to educate the audience regarding the organic food products ( 2017). The IMC aims to provide the customers with the necessary information about the products and the company (Rawal 2013). The reason for doing this act is that if the consumers are not aware of the details of the products, then they would not be interested in purchasing them. This form of marketing communication aims to create the knowledge base among the customers and encouraging them to purchase them. IMC would help in greater referral by inviting greater customers to purchase the products of the company. The brand engages in the interacting with the customers on various digital media such as social media, email and others ( 2017). This also creates good word of mouth among the customers and their immediate family members or friends (Copley 2015).This strategy is important as a positive word of mouth incurs no cost for the company and the existing customers have the ability to do bring in more customers. IMC would enable the greater sales of the company by greater promotion of the products among the target audience. The objective of this communication goal is to ensure that the customers are greater aware about the products and hence they make more number of purchases. Message Strategy and Executional Tactics The organic food retailer has decided to use the AIDA framework to achieve their goals. The AIDA framework stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (Hassan, Nadzim and Shiratuddin 2015). The attention component encourages the company to create attractive advertisement that would create an interest among the customers. The organization tries to create intelligent advertisement tools so that they can reach well among the customers ( 2017). The interest component focuses on the ability of the brand to focus on the benefits of the organic product. The company avoids the usual features of the products but instead focus on the product advantages that would help the company to convince in a better way ( 2017). The advertisements are created in such a manner that it creates desire among the target audience. The unique selling proposition of the brand is highlighted and the differentiated products of the company are being pointed out to the customers. Honest to Goodness uses extensive advertisement strategies for attaining the communication goals of the company ( 2017). The organic food company is aiming for creating brand awareness among the target audience. It is also achieving more customer attitudes and modification of them ( 2017). The company has adopted content marketing strategy in which it engages in the creation and sharing of the online material such as blogs, videos and social media posts. It does not directly promote the brand directly but it creates interest among the target audience regarding the companys products. Promotional Mix and Media Strategy The promotional tools used by the companies are varied and they target specific consumer segment. The company used both digital forms of marketing as well as traditional forms of marketing ( 2017). The reason for using is the increase of the effectiveness of the campaign and to increase the customer awareness regarding the organic food products. Promotional Tools Estimated audience Estimated impacts Social Media Marketing Teenagers, Middle age, working population High Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Teenagers, Middle age High Email Marketing Working professionals Medium Magazine Advertisements Housewives Medium Radio Advertisements Older people, housewives Low Video Advertisements Teenagers, Middle age, working population Low Facebook Twitter Advertisements Teenagers, Middle age, working population High Conclusion The integrated marketing communication is used to better communicate with the customers of the brand. Honest to Goodness is an Australian organic and natural food company that has been voted as the favorite organic food brand of the country. The main products of the company include organic and natural grocery items such as vinegars, oils, coconut products, dried fruits, salts, herbs and others. The various target markets of the brand includes the Core consumers, mid-level customers and the periphery customers. The company uses AIDA model for targeting their audiences and this makes the company to better respond to the needs/preferences of the target market. The main goals of the communication strategy are to educate, gain referral and increase the sales of the company. The company has adopted content marketing strategy in which it engages in the creation and sharing of the online material such as blogs, videos and social media posts. It strives to use a combination of both digital as well as traditional sources of marketing. This report would broaden the understanding of the integrated marketing communication process in the organization for a real organization. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Briz, T., Ward, R.W. and Ortega, L.E., 2017. Relative impacts of health and obesity on US household servings of fruits and vegetables.Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp.1-13. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Copley, P., 2015. For the love of AIDAdeveloping the Hierarchy of Effects model in SME social media marketing strategy. (2017).Honest to Goodness Organic Food Natural Products. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Hassan, S., Nadzim, S.Z.A. and Shiratuddin, N., 2015. Strategic use of social media for small business based on the AIDA model.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,172, pp.262-269. Percy, L., 2014.Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Rawal, P., 2013. AIDA Marketing Communication Model: Stimulating a purchase decision in the minds of the consumers through a linear progression of steps.International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Social Management Sciences,1(1), pp.37-44. Wee, C.S., Ariff, M.S.B.M., Zakuan, N., Tajudin, M.N.M., Ismail, K. and Ishak, N., 2014. Consumers perception, purchase intention and actual purchase behavior of organic food products.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,3(2), p.378. West, D.C., Ford, J. and Ibrahim, E., 2015.Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press, USA.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in “To Kill A Mockingbird” free essay sample

Atticus Finch, father of both Jem and Scout Finch, is a widower and single parent to his two children, he works as an attorney and state legislative representative descended from an age-old family lineage in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. When Atticus is assigned to represent a black man named Tom Robinson, he agrees to defend him for being charged with raping a white woman. Atticus plays a pivotal role in the book, â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† as he teaches his children valuable life lessons that involve considering someone elses side of things from his or her’s own point of view. â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it†, Atticus tells Scout. Informing her that you never actually know where a person is coming from until youve been there yourself. We will write a custom essay sample on Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An example of this is Mrs. Dubose, an elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives next door. Atticus helps Scout and Jem see that regardless of Mrs. Dubose bitter attitude toward him, he still remains good to her because Atticus is aware that Mrs. Dubose has been raised differently than they have and on that account he gives them things to reflect on before criticizing Mrs. Dubose.As an attorney, Atticus wears a suit and a tie every day to work. He is also described as having glasses. In chapter 10, Scout calls him feeble and fifty for the reason that he doesn’t play football, hunt, fish, drink or smoke like other fathers she notices in town. Furthermore, the fact that he is fifty, and older than all the other children’s parents, gives him the impression of being more like a grandfather rather than a father. In other words, Jem and Scout believe their father is boring, frail, and old. They do not believe there is anything unique to him to boast about to their friends at school. Although they later respect Atticus once they discover Atticus used to be the best marksman in Maycomb County. Atticus Finch exhibits the qualities and traits of a proper, honest man, he is portrayed as a role model not only to his children but to the readers as well. Atticus Finch’s character is undoubtedly the most well mannered and civil throughout the entire book.Atticus Finch is a profoundly moral character in the book â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†, which is one of the most significant character traits to Atticuss character in the book.