Saturday, December 28, 2019

Warning Industry Spin And The Center For Food Safety

In a Huffington Post article published on February 11, 2014 titled â€Å"Warning: Industry Spin May Be Hazardous to Your Health; Learn the Truth About GE Foods,† Elizabeth Kucinich, the policy director for the Center for Food Safety, strongly discusses the dangers of consuming genetically modified foods, which causes unpredictable allergic reactions, encourages rapid evolution for resistance in pests, and creates herbicide resistance leading to an overuse of chemicals. Empowering consumers about what’s in their food is an important issue because everyone has the right to know what’s going into their body, especially when it’s altered food. Letters from advocates of food labeling have poured into President Obama’s office, asking him to â€Å"fulfill†¦show more content†¦Further, the technology that big corporations use to create genetically modified foods are not available to small farmers, who suffer with huge economic losses. Lastly, herb icide resistance can possibly lead to the overuse of chemicals, polluting our fresh air and water. As discussed in class, issues brought upon by GMOs are discussed by Kucinich in great detail. The theme of agriculture and even more specifically genetically modified organisms helped to critically examine the dangers and hazards of such GMOs. Knowing the potential issues with GMOs from class helped understand and effectively critique this article more. The examples and real world statistics in this article magnified the importance of GMO labeling and the dangers imposed upon consumers who eat such foods. One group, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, brought together a panel of huge mega corporations that participate in GE food production and created the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food. This coalition supports genetic engineering and GMO crops and products that contain them. The coalition states various goals, such as â€Å"Prevent states from passing legislation mandating information about genetically engineered GMO food products.† The Coalition for Safe Affordable Foods has stated many claims advocating the use of geneticallyShow MoreRelatedPG Business Strategy Analysis4963 Words   |  20 Pagesbillion-dollar brands. Its business is divided into three global units: beauty, health and well being, and household care. It also makes pet food and water filters and produces soap operas. Some 25 of PGs brands are billion-dollar sellers, including Gillette Fusion, Always/Whisper, Braun, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Downy/Lenor, Folgers (which it reportedly plans to spin off), Gil lette, Iams, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, Pringles, Tide, and Wella, among others. Acquisitive PG bought Clairol in 2001 and a majorityRead MoreVolcanoes Essay3860 Words   |  16 Pagesdesigned to shed ash, with steep-sloping sides. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Mobile Phone Cloning - 1069 Words

MOBILE PHONE CLONING WHAT IS CELL PHONE CLONING? Cell phone cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to another mobile telephone. Usually this is done for the purpose of making fraudulent telephone calls. The bills for the calls go to the legitimate subscriber. The cloner is also able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts another group of interested users. Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The result is that the cloned phone can make and receive calls and the charges for those calls are billed to the legitimate subscriber. The service provider†¦show more content†¦And the worst part is that there isn’t much that you can do to prevent this. Such crime first came to light in January 2005 when the Delhi police arrested a person with 20 cell phones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA-based mobile phones. He used software for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia. A similar racket came to light in Mumbai resulting in the arrest of four mobile dealers Introduction While mobile cloning is an emerging threat for Indian subscribers, it has been happening in other telecom markets since the 1990s, though mostly with regard to CDMA phones. Pleas in an US District Court in 1997 effectively ended West Texas authorities first case of `phone cloning. Authorities in the case estimated the loss at $3,000 to $4,000 for each number used. Southwestern Bell claims wireless fraud costs the industry $650 million each year in the US. Some federal agents in the US have called phone cloning an especially `popular crime because it is hard to trace. Back home, police officers say the Yasin case is just the tip of the iceberg and have asked operators to improve their technology. But the operators claim they can t do much for now. It s like stealing cars or duplicating credit card numbers. The service providers cannot do much exceptShow MoreRelatedCell Phone Cloning3071 Words   |  13 PagesCELL PHONE CLONING Abstract You might have read news of the cloning of sheep or cattle with amused interest. But how would you feel if somebody `cloned your mobile phone? Technology is finally rearing up its dark side. Along with the proliferation of technological innovations, this era also marks the birth of the new-age IT criminals in a big way, with the latest technology fraud being cell phone cloning. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Integrated Market Communication Capability â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Integrated Market Communication Capability? Answer: Introduction There has been an increase in the integrated marketing communication tools being used by the companies in order to survive in this competitive market. As opined by Percy (2014), the integrated marketing communication can be defined as the application of the consistent brand messages that are implemented in the traditional as well as non-traditional marketing channels. There have been significant changes in the marketing process over the years and the companies are increasingly accommodating the changing preferences of the consumers (Percy 2014). The organizations have started developing holistic marketing campaigns that have helped them to reach the target audience in a better way. The selected product for the purpose of this report is organic foods and the company selected is Honest to Goodness. The company background and the description of the product would be done. The target market would be defined along with the positioning strategy of the company. The goals of the communication methods would be outlined along with the concerned message. The promotional mix of the new products would be analyzed and media strategy of the company would be defined. Company Background and Product Description Honest to Goodness is an Australian organic and natural food company that has been voted as the favorite organic food brand of the country ( 2017). The company believes in the manufacturing, procuring and delivery of healthy foods and they believe in the methods of sustainable food production. The product range of the brand is the naturally grown healthy foods, which are available at affordable costs ( 2017). Honest to Goodness is a certified brand that operates as wholesaler, retailer and distributor of various natural and organic foods ( 2017). The food products are strictly handled under the ACO guidelines. The company strives to encourage locally grown products where it supports the local communities as well as regional Australia ( 2017). The organic food firm has a vision of creating a healthy, sustainable as well as better future for the community. The main products of the company include organic and natural grocery items such as vinegars, oils, coconut products, dried fruits, salts, herbs and others ( 2017). The products undergo minimal processing and they lack artificial flavors, sweeteners or colors. The products are also free from hydrogenated oils and palm oils ( 2017). The products are grown under strict organic conditions and their production facilities or the warehouse is never fumigated. They abide by the strict food handling guidelines and they have a strong quality management system so that the customers get the best possible products. Target Market The target market for the organic foods is primarily segregated into three segments. They are discussed as under- Core consumers- The core consumers of the company include the extremely dedicated ones and comprise of 21% of the target audience (Bryman and Bell 2015). These kinds of customers display their dedication through their behaviors as well as their attitudes. The core consumers are most aware of these kind of customers, who like to engage in discussions regarding organic foods. Mid-level consumers- The mid-level of consumers make up almost 65% of the target market customers and they comprise the bulk of the companys customers (Percy 2014). The mid-level consumers are making a transition from the unhealthy food options to the naturally grown products (Briz, Ward and Ortega 2017). They are making subsequent changes in behaviour and attitudes so that they can be a part of the healthy food consumption. Periphery consumers- These kinds of customers account for over 14% sales of the organic foods. This segment has least behavioral changes and they have slowly started to opt for organic food products (Wee et al. 2014). They only make minimal purchases or during some months, they do not make any purchases at all. The periphery customers have slowly started to incline towards the organic foods as they have adopted healthy lifestyle. Positioning Strategy The positioning strategy of the company include- To provide modern, safe and healthy food options to the community so that they can enjoy better quality of life The company makes sure that their offering is unique and safe, which would attract a large number of consumers (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The company aims to make a clear difference in the market by combining the effort of retailer, stakeholders, traders and other entities. The organization wants to make a clear difference by creating optimal brand experience. The brand aims to create wide number of mouth to mouth advertising by spreading on their good work (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The brand believes in the fact that the product packaging has a major impact on the product positioning. The packaging is the primary thing that the customer notices before actually purchasing the products. It is important to include the certification labels, private product levels and others so that the customers can easily identify with the same (Armstrong et al. 2015). The company believes in the optimal package design which would show that the brands products are healthy, transparent, natural and safe to use (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). The organic food products should be distinguished from the normal food products and it is the duty of the company to incorporate appropriate food labels. The rationale of this positioning strategy is to educate the consumers regarding the new type of products. It is important to consumers regarding the health benefits of the organic food products so that there is greater brand awareness (West, Ford and Ibrahim 2015). It is also important to position the products well within the health conscious customers, who are striving to achieve an optimum quality of life. Communication Goal The marketing campaigns should be properly structured so that they can reach the desired target market. The company uses AIDA model for targeting their audiences and this makes the company to better respond to the needs/preferences of the target market. The objectives of the communication goal of the company are discussed below- The company aims to educate the audience regarding the organic food products ( 2017). The IMC aims to provide the customers with the necessary information about the products and the company (Rawal 2013). The reason for doing this act is that if the consumers are not aware of the details of the products, then they would not be interested in purchasing them. This form of marketing communication aims to create the knowledge base among the customers and encouraging them to purchase them. IMC would help in greater referral by inviting greater customers to purchase the products of the company. The brand engages in the interacting with the customers on various digital media such as social media, email and others ( 2017). This also creates good word of mouth among the customers and their immediate family members or friends (Copley 2015).This strategy is important as a positive word of mouth incurs no cost for the company and the existing customers have the ability to do bring in more customers. IMC would enable the greater sales of the company by greater promotion of the products among the target audience. The objective of this communication goal is to ensure that the customers are greater aware about the products and hence they make more number of purchases. Message Strategy and Executional Tactics The organic food retailer has decided to use the AIDA framework to achieve their goals. The AIDA framework stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action (Hassan, Nadzim and Shiratuddin 2015). The attention component encourages the company to create attractive advertisement that would create an interest among the customers. The organization tries to create intelligent advertisement tools so that they can reach well among the customers ( 2017). The interest component focuses on the ability of the brand to focus on the benefits of the organic product. The company avoids the usual features of the products but instead focus on the product advantages that would help the company to convince in a better way ( 2017). The advertisements are created in such a manner that it creates desire among the target audience. The unique selling proposition of the brand is highlighted and the differentiated products of the company are being pointed out to the customers. Honest to Goodness uses extensive advertisement strategies for attaining the communication goals of the company ( 2017). The organic food company is aiming for creating brand awareness among the target audience. It is also achieving more customer attitudes and modification of them ( 2017). The company has adopted content marketing strategy in which it engages in the creation and sharing of the online material such as blogs, videos and social media posts. It does not directly promote the brand directly but it creates interest among the target audience regarding the companys products. Promotional Mix and Media Strategy The promotional tools used by the companies are varied and they target specific consumer segment. The company used both digital forms of marketing as well as traditional forms of marketing ( 2017). The reason for using is the increase of the effectiveness of the campaign and to increase the customer awareness regarding the organic food products. Promotional Tools Estimated audience Estimated impacts Social Media Marketing Teenagers, Middle age, working population High Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Teenagers, Middle age High Email Marketing Working professionals Medium Magazine Advertisements Housewives Medium Radio Advertisements Older people, housewives Low Video Advertisements Teenagers, Middle age, working population Low Facebook Twitter Advertisements Teenagers, Middle age, working population High Conclusion The integrated marketing communication is used to better communicate with the customers of the brand. Honest to Goodness is an Australian organic and natural food company that has been voted as the favorite organic food brand of the country. The main products of the company include organic and natural grocery items such as vinegars, oils, coconut products, dried fruits, salts, herbs and others. The various target markets of the brand includes the Core consumers, mid-level customers and the periphery customers. The company uses AIDA model for targeting their audiences and this makes the company to better respond to the needs/preferences of the target market. The main goals of the communication strategy are to educate, gain referral and increase the sales of the company. The company has adopted content marketing strategy in which it engages in the creation and sharing of the online material such as blogs, videos and social media posts. It strives to use a combination of both digital as well as traditional sources of marketing. This report would broaden the understanding of the integrated marketing communication process in the organization for a real organization. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Briz, T., Ward, R.W. and Ortega, L.E., 2017. Relative impacts of health and obesity on US household servings of fruits and vegetables.Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp.1-13. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Copley, P., 2015. For the love of AIDAdeveloping the Hierarchy of Effects model in SME social media marketing strategy. (2017).Honest to Goodness Organic Food Natural Products. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Hassan, S., Nadzim, S.Z.A. and Shiratuddin, N., 2015. Strategic use of social media for small business based on the AIDA model.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,172, pp.262-269. Percy, L., 2014.Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Rawal, P., 2013. AIDA Marketing Communication Model: Stimulating a purchase decision in the minds of the consumers through a linear progression of steps.International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Social Management Sciences,1(1), pp.37-44. Wee, C.S., Ariff, M.S.B.M., Zakuan, N., Tajudin, M.N.M., Ismail, K. and Ishak, N., 2014. Consumers perception, purchase intention and actual purchase behavior of organic food products.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,3(2), p.378. West, D.C., Ford, J. and Ibrahim, E., 2015.Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press, USA.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in “To Kill A Mockingbird” free essay sample

Atticus Finch, father of both Jem and Scout Finch, is a widower and single parent to his two children, he works as an attorney and state legislative representative descended from an age-old family lineage in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. When Atticus is assigned to represent a black man named Tom Robinson, he agrees to defend him for being charged with raping a white woman. Atticus plays a pivotal role in the book, â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† as he teaches his children valuable life lessons that involve considering someone elses side of things from his or her’s own point of view. â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it†, Atticus tells Scout. Informing her that you never actually know where a person is coming from until youve been there yourself. We will write a custom essay sample on Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An example of this is Mrs. Dubose, an elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives next door. Atticus helps Scout and Jem see that regardless of Mrs. Dubose bitter attitude toward him, he still remains good to her because Atticus is aware that Mrs. Dubose has been raised differently than they have and on that account he gives them things to reflect on before criticizing Mrs. Dubose.As an attorney, Atticus wears a suit and a tie every day to work. He is also described as having glasses. In chapter 10, Scout calls him feeble and fifty for the reason that he doesn’t play football, hunt, fish, drink or smoke like other fathers she notices in town. Furthermore, the fact that he is fifty, and older than all the other children’s parents, gives him the impression of being more like a grandfather rather than a father. In other words, Jem and Scout believe their father is boring, frail, and old. They do not believe there is anything unique to him to boast about to their friends at school. Although they later respect Atticus once they discover Atticus used to be the best marksman in Maycomb County. Atticus Finch exhibits the qualities and traits of a proper, honest man, he is portrayed as a role model not only to his children but to the readers as well. Atticus Finch’s character is undoubtedly the most well mannered and civil throughout the entire book.Atticus Finch is a profoundly moral character in the book â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†, which is one of the most significant character traits to Atticuss character in the book.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Martha Mccaskey Case Study Essay Example

Martha Mccaskey Case Study Paper Veronica Koskovich-Underwood MgtOp 587 Martha McCaskey Case Study Ethical Issues At issue in the Martha McCaskey case is a question of proprietary information. More specifically, McCaskey is faced with the question of what constitutes proprietary information and what is safe to give to the client without breaching any trade secrets. According to DeGeorge, proprietary information, or trade secrets, are a right of each corporation that they can legally and morally protect and refuse to divulge to the public. The types of information that Seleris client is asking for about their target company are held tightly by the target to ensure their market share. If the information is given to competitors, they will lose their advantage. However, if specific information as to the new chip is not released but instead is based on industry standards and already publicly-held information, the trade secrets would still be upheld, as there is no way to know for sure that the target is using exactly what has been found. Another issue that McCaskey faces is the methods used to obtain the information to be given to the client. We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Mccaskey Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Mccaskey Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Martha Mccaskey Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As mentioned above, if it comes directly from the target, it would be releasing trade secrets and infringing on the targets right to hold those. In this case, McCaskey has been asked to not contact the target in order to keep them from knowing that the client is looking into the new chip. In order to get the specific information that they are after, McCaskey will have to use alternative means such as contacting other competitors in the industry, vendors of the target, and possibly ex-employees of the target. Hackert and Malone are pushing for McCaskey to use Phil Devon after learning that he worked for the target in the past. Devon seems open to supplying McCaskey with any information that she needs, but she may be breaching the targets right to trade secrets by doing so. If he has stayed in the loop with the target and has direct knowledge of the new chip and the procedures being used there, she would ultimately be passing on information that the client has no right to. However, there is a chance that he has no direct knowledge of the new chip nd would only be giving her information that he has obtained in helping other clients out. Even that could be breaching areas of confidentiality though, as she would not know if the other companies held that information closely so the possibility of breaching other trade secrets is unknown. Also at issue is management encouraging what could be seen as unethical methods to complete the projects. As discussed in the Don Taylor case, management has a duty to operate the company as ethically as possible. By encouraging these unethical activities to McCaskey, Malone and Hackert are saying that they are supportive of using unethical methods in order to further IAD and Seleris, as well as their clients. The case material discussed that IAD did not have any written policies in place in regards to solicitation and acceptable methods to complete contracts. Richardson would occasionally hold lunch meetings in which he would state that no one should use unethical behaviors, but remained vague in just what that meant. DeGeorge notes that a business has the duty to give clear policies to its employees in order for them to complete their jobs accurately and as desired. Employees also cannot be required to act unethically on the job. Malone and Hackert are impeding McCaskeys responsibility to complete her job ethically by encouraging her to use Devon no matter what the cost. Another issue that should be noted is the personal issue that McCaskey has in deciding between staying silent on the matter and completing her job as requested, or in voicing her concerns. In the â€Å"Conflict on a Trading Floor† case and the Don Taylor case, it was noted that it is our duty to report any unethical proceedings in the work place. However, DeGeorge notes that employees do not have an obligation to create serious risk to themselves without some compensation to be gained. In McCaskeys case, she knows of no immediate benefit to her calling out the policies that are being implemented by the old guard. In fact, she has been all but guaranteed a promotion, raise, and easier job duties if she successfully completes the project. It does not appear that those in the new guard are using the same methods and there has been a significant amount of turnover in the past couple of years at IAD. There is a chance that future replacements will not be willing to use the same methods and the problem will eradicate itself. But by remaining silent, she becomes part of the problem and may have to violate her own moral beliefs. On the other hand, if McCaskey brings attention to what she considers an unethical procedure, she could be at risk with her job. She could be seen as a troublemaker and put back on team projects that are not to her liking. She would almost certainly be pulled from this project which would result in no promotion, further hurting her own well-being. A fourth issue that may not deal directly with McCaskey would be whether it is appropriate for Phil Devon to be releasing the information that he may have on the target company that he used to work for, or from other companies that he has assisted on new projects with since leaving the target. As an employee of the target, he would be directly breaching the right of the target to have trade secrets. However, as he no longer works there, Devon is not obliged to consider the interests of the target any longer. Unless a noncompete agreement was signed when he left, he is technically not doing anything wrong by divulging information that he may have on the company. This same logic would apply to any of the other companies that Devon has consulted with recently. Case Analysis The three primary alternatives that are to be considered are: 1) hiring Phil Devon and Martha McCaskey working with him directly; 2) hiring Phil Devon and having another associate work with him while Martha McCaskey remains project leader; and 3) Martha McCaskey stepping down from the project and voicing her concerns about the methods used within IAD. The primary stakeholders that have been identified are: 1) McCaskey; Tom Malone and Bud Hackert; Seleris; Target company; Client; and Phil Devon; 2) McCaskey; Malone and Hackert; Seleris; Target company; Kauffman (or the employee chosen to work with Devon; and Phil Devon; 3) McCaskey; Malone and Hackert; IAD; Target company; and Client. From a utilitarian perspective, option one woud result in the greatest net welfare for the stakeholders identified. While it goes against what McCaskey believes in and hurts the target company the most, all other layers considered receive the greatest benefit out of this option. Under the utilitarian method, more of the stakeholders receive benefits than costs with option one. Malone, Hackert, Seleris, and the client achieve the end result that they are ultimately wanting from the situation. Malone and Hackert retain a major client for Seleris and IAD remains in good standing with corporate. Seleris sees growth as a company and retains a large portion of their current business. The client receives the information they are seeking and is able to better compete with the competition. However, all of these stakeholders are setting precedence in the methods that are used to obtain the information and completing projects. Phil Devon receives a large financial consideration for his assistance on the project, but risks possible lawsuits or future retribution from the client for releasing sensitive information on them. The target company sees the greatest cost by having confidential information leaked to a competitor and no longer having the niche in the industry that they would have otherwise. McCaskey sees the greatest mixture of benefits and costs, but ultimately sees more negatives than positives. She successfully completes the project and receives the promotion and raise, follows her superiors wishes, and retains a major client for IAD and Seleris. However, she does not follow her own moral judgement and is directly responsible for the way the project is completed. She also is setting a precedence of methods that she is willing to use and for methods that will be acceptable under her as manager. Under the second option, assuming that the project is successfully completed to the clients liking and McCaskey receives her promotion, many of the same costs and benefits come into play. The additional player in this scenario, Kauffman, would most likely receive praise and possibly compensation for his role in the completion of the project, but would be being used to do the unethical activities that no one else is willing to. McCaskey does have the added benefit of not directly doing the unethical research, but she is causing Kauffman to act unethically by having him work directly with Devon. With the third option, assuming that the project is not successfully completed without McCaskey and she does not receive her promotion, more costs occur for the stakeholders identified. McCaskey would be upholding her moral values, but she would not receive the promotion and would have to continue doing the tedious fieldwork that she has been doing. This option could result in being given only problem projects that no one else wants in the future, she could be labeled a troublemaker, and she would lose her good standing with upper management. A slight possibility would exist that her actions would bring about positive changes in the division and/or corporation, if management takes note of her concerns and decides to implement policies that would prevent these happenings from occurring again. Malone and Hackert would lose McCaskey as a good candidate for group leader, as well as a major client and future additional projects. IAD not only would lose a major client and future business from them, but would also most likely come under scrutiny of corporate. The client loses the ability to compete head on with the target company by not receiving the information they requested. They would also lose a consulting firm for future projects if they decide Seleris is no longer fulfilling their duties as their consultants. The target company would see the largest benefit from this option, as their trade secrets would not be leaked and they would retain their market niche with the new chip. From a rights and duties perspective, even though a greater number of rights and duties are upheld with options one and two, option three is preferred in that it upholds the more important rights and duties of McCaskey and the target company. When adding weight for importance to the rights of performing your job ethically and retaining trade secrets, the greatest good comes from option three where both of these rights are upheld. An analysis of rights and duties shows a greater number of rights and duties upheld than not with option one. By hiring Phil Devon and completing the project successfully, all stakeholders except for Devon and the target are fulfilling their duty to maximize profits and act in the best interest of their immediate stakeholders. For example, McCaskey is acting in the best interest of IAD by retaining a client and bringing in future profits from this client. The client is acting in the best interest of their own shareholders by finding a way to compete directly with the target and thereby maximizing profits. McCaskey is also upholding her duty to obey her supervisors and to act in her own best interest by ensuring she receives the promotion and raise. However, she is defying her duty to not harm others by completing research that she knows will directly harm the target and their business interests. She is also denying herself the right to perform her job ethically and not upholding the norms of her profession. Malone and Hackert see their authority rights upheld, but dont uphold McCaskeys right and duty to perform her job ethically. The target companys right to keep trade secrets is being denied. Devon is acting in his own best interest, as well as his familys, but he is not conducting business ethically and is denying the target the right to have trade secrets. With option two, most of the rights and duties remain the same. Regardless of whether McCaskey performs the research herself or just oversees it, she is not changing the overall picture. She has actually brought someone else into an ethical dilemma by choosing not to address it head on. Now Kauffman is not upholding the duty to perform his job ethically, nor does he uphold the norms of his profession. Option three results in more rights and duties being denied to the majority of the stakeholders. McCaskey sees more of her rights and duties upheld than the other options, as she is using her right to voice ethical concerns in the workplace and upholding her duty not to harm others and to uphold the standards of her profession. The target company is also seeing more rights upheld, as they retain their right to hold trade secrets and to fair competition in the marketplace. Malone, Hackert, IAD, and the client, however, see more rights and duties denied. All fail at their duty to maximize profits for the division and company, while Malone and Hackert lose their right to authority. But all are now upholding the individual rights and duties held by McCaskey and the target. From a justice perspective, option three upholds fairness for the target company by not releasing confidential information, for McCaskey by not requiring her to do something that could be considered ethically wrong, and for all others by not allowing them to profit from unethical behaviors. In all three options, distributive justice is more of a concern than any other kind. By completing the project and obtaining the data from Devon, regardless of whether done by McCaskey or by Kauffman, all stakeholders except for the target receive benefits from unethical proceedings that are not right. McCaskey receives a promotion and higher pay, IAD and Seleris receive full payment on the contract and even receive additional contracts because of the successful completion, Devon receives a large payment for releasing information that is confidential, and the client will most likely receive a greater market share of the new chip than they would have otherwise. The target, however, loses market share from the divulgence of this information. However, in option three, all parties receive the compensation that they deserve from the situation. The target retains its market share while the others lose out on money from their unethical dealings. While option one or two could be argued from a utilitarian perspective, the added weight of importance to the rights and duties method, as well as the clear indication by the justice perspective, option three supports more of the prominent concerns in this case. I therefore propose option three as the best option for McCaskey to move forward with. Broad Implications of the Case One of the more prominent themes to this case is the issue of proprietary information and means used to obtain it from competitors. According to DeGeorge, businesses have the right, both legally and morally, to have trade secrets to help protect specific facts about their products or processes. However, it is not discussed who outside the immediate company employees have any duty to protect those secrets. As technology moves further and further ahead, the implications of trade secrets being leaked becomes greater. Without the trade secrets, there is no way to protect yourself from a competitor moving in on your niche in the market that you may otherwise have had they not obtained the secrets. But on the other side is the right to a competitive marketplace and the duty to maximize profits for the competitor. Consulting firms such as Seleris in the case are becoming a more common option to obtain trade secrets. But employees of these firms eed to take into consideration the ethical connotations to what they are doing by assisting in the gathering of this information. While they have no immediate duty to the competitors to help protect the information, from an ethical perspective the methods that they use to obtain it could be negative. Trade secrets are at a greater risk as the present trend in the workplace continues of employees moving around from job to job during their careers. No l onger are employees with the mindset that they should stay with the same firm throughout their career to ensure a better retirement package. If an employee is not guaranteed to stay with a firm, what information should they actually have access to? In most cases, this is now limited to only what they need to know to complete their individual job. Also of note is what constitutes proprietary information. DeGeorge defines it as any trade secrets that a company can legally and morally protect from others. But in order to legally defend data in the current day, you would need a patent or trademark, which often times can’t be obtained until the item has a prototype developed. This makes it more difficult to protect new projects from being copied by competitors. Another theme that is touched on in the case and brought out in the issue of proprietary information is employee loyalty and duties to their current employers. DeGeorge explains that while companies would like to have both loyalty to the firm during employment, it cannot be demanded. Corporations want employees to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities and to do what needs to be done to ensure the success of the company. However, in the present day workforce, it is more common to hear employees talking about what the company can do for them. It is not uncommon to switch jobs several times during your career, nor to apply the knowledge that youve gained from a past job on a current one. DeGeorge states that while workers have rights on the job, they also have duty to perform the job for which they are hired. That being said, the employer cannot require an employee to do something that is illegal or unethical. Usually businesses have policies in place that help define what workers rights and responsibilities are. Employees need to take the time to review this information and ask questions about the policies prior to being hired on to ensure that they are comfortable with what is being asked of them. However, policies will not address every instance that could possibly occur during an employment. Employees need to know their basic rights and processes available to them so that they can address any conce rns as they arise. While employed by a particular organization, the employee has a responsibility to not sabotage the activities of the company. However, once employment ends, that responsibility is gone. But is there still a responsibility to protect trade secrets and sensitive information that you may have had access to once in a new position? A trend that is starting in the current workforce is to impose noncompete agreements with employees who are leaving and who had access to sensitive information to help curb this issue. Overall, the protection of proprietary information seems to have a direct relation to the loyalty and obedience that employees show a firm. Ultimately, it is the individual employee who needs to make the conscience decision to help protect the information. While competitors may be able to gain some insight on what is going on behind closed doors through competitors and basic industry trends of the time, without firsthand knowledge of what a specific company is pursuing, it is more difficult to know for sure if your recreation of their item will be better than what they have done and win you the market on the item.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Best Tips on How to Write Any Debate Essay

Best Tips on How to Write Any Debate Essay The nightmare of being a student is in the fact that you never know the type of assignment your teacher might ask you to do at any point in time. You might end up thoroughly failing in your class work unless you understand some of the most crucial concepts for handling some of these tasks. This paper will focus on debate essays and ways in which you can achieve high scores by following simple procedures and guidelines. Introduction on How to Write a Debate Essay These essays are narratives that are built on arguments. They divide people into two distinct groups – You are forced to either support or oppose a motion with no option for a middle ground. You are to present all the facts that you believe will help you win your argument. Such conflicts are mostly seen among politicians during parliamentary sessions. Arguments also occur among ordinary people in normal interactions. Crucial Facts on How to Start a Debate Essay You first need to know how to write a debate essay step by step if you are to get everything right. Understand what comes first and what needs to be placed in the middle and last section of your document. Here is something you should consider at the start of every paper: Create a hook You need to get the attention of your audience through the first few lines of your paper. Use facts that are mind-boggling and that are likely to make them trust you. Make this information sound new to them even if they have heard of it before. Provide statistics to support your claims. For instance, don’t just say that â€Å"road accidents are some of the major causes of death in the world.† Instead, show the number of people who are killed every year as a result of rogue driving. Show how some of these people are breadwinners in their families or even newlyweds. In other words, capture the attention and imagination of people by all possible means. Show the origin Every issue always has roots, some of which are never known to the public. Dig deeper into the archives and retrieve enough information that shows how the problem began. In the case of road accidents, you can research to find out how, why, and when the first road accident occurred. You can be more specific to reveal the names of those who lost their lives. Find out what impact these victims had in their nation and include it in your document. However, do not be too wordy. Formulate a thesis statement This is a summary of what the paper is all about. It shows the relationship between cause and effect by indicating why you support your argument. Avoid being too general since the sentence will lose meaning. Do not say, Several factors lead to road accidents. Instead, mention these factors. Say something like Road accidents are caused by increased levels of corruption, drunk driving, poor roads, and faulty traffic lights. Choosing what to Omit Resist the temptation of including every detail in your introduction. That is not how to write a good debate essay. Details are to be added in the body section and not in the introduction. Resist the temptation of wanting to share everything you know about a topic. Stay focused even as you try hard to make your audience agree with you. Different Ways of Making a Thesis Statement It is not a must that you use the same method as everyone else when creating your thesis statement. You have three distinct options for this section whenever you are writing a debate essay. Here are the three main ways to construct any thesis statement. Provide all pointers Your thesis statement can include the crucial points you intend to talk about. Take, for example, a topic like Teenage Pregnancy. The points you might want to discuss probably include â€Å"neglect by family members, rot in the society, and drug abuse.† You can introduce these points in the following way: Sample: â€Å"Increased pregnancy among teenage girls is as a result of neglect by parents, moral decay in the society, and unreported rape cases.† You will need to discuss each point in details when you get to the body section. This might be the best option for you as you would easily spot all your crucial points and discuss them in details without forgetting any of them. Answer a question Use your topic to formulate a question. For instance, ask yourself why most people are unhappy with their lifestyles. You should be able to develop an answer that can be used in your thesis. Here is a typical response to such a question: Sample: People are not happy with their lifestyles due to the high levels of unemployment that leaves them living below their means, and that denies them the ability to enjoy the luxuries of life. Express your discontentment You can show why you believe that some assumptions are wrong. Provide your reasons in the same sentence. Make this an argument that might strike a constructive conversation. Here is a good example: Sample: â€Å"It is vague to assume that all old illiterate people can learn statistics since this is a technical discipline that requires young people with high IQ.† We hope that all your questions on what is a debate essay were sufficiently answered. Make good use of the information provided here to master how to write your debate essay effectively. Simple Tips for Writing a Debate Essay The ideas provided in this article should be incorporated into the structure of a debate essay. Have a clear understanding of how to begin a debate essay. Here are more tricks and tips on how to make a debate essay. Sound professional: You cannot convince people unless you make them believe that you know what you are talking about. Be thorough: Exhaust all the points needed to create a convincing document. Introduce your points: Every new paragraph should have a short sentence to let your audience know what to expect. Strong conclusion: Amaze your audience with a memorable ending. It has to be in line with your thesis statement. These tips will leave a mark in the heart of any examiner. This result leads to good scores. Hire Writing Company You can hire a professional writer to help you write your paper. This relieves you of the stress of having to do the job on your own. It is especially crucial when you have other commitments that are taking most of your attention. Such engagements include family meetings and adventures, revisions for forthcoming exams, or a trip with friends. A professional academic writer often has the qualifications needed to work on any project. Your paper, whether urgent or not, will be handled in the most professional way possible. You will receive a perfectly written paper with no grammar errors, and that is also free of plagiarism. Place your orders with us today and allow us to provide you with excellent writing services. We have bonuses just for you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Assignment

Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business - Assignment Example Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business The banks and the individuals willing to start the start will move in a contract where the individuals agree to pay installments on monthly basis. The bank will also charge interests for the loan amount. The source of finance with the usual payment period of more than 15 years is regarded as the long term loan. This kind of loan is generally required for the expansion processes or buying a fixed asset. This kind of loan can be achieved from financial intermediaries. A fixed interest rate generally higher than the interest rate on bank loan is accrued in this type of loan. It is required to pay monthly instalments as well as the fixed interest rate. Another source of finance is the short term loan. This type of loan comprises of loan for short periods usually within 5 years. The financial intermediaries have the ability to provide such kind of loans and the contract requires the one taking the loan to pay the principle along with the agreed interest within the specific time period. Ba nks provides overdrafts and charge for its services (Hennessy and Whited, 2007, p. 1). The bank of England sets the rate of interest at which it provides loan to the financial institutions. The interest rate has the potential to affect the interest rates of the commercial banks, the prices of the financial assets and the rate of exchange which can affect the consumer as well as the business demand. Another mode of raising finance is retained earnings. The retained earnings can be increased by generating increased sales which will shed its impact on the profit level and can also be reinvested into the operations of the business (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, n.d.). Explanation of the importance of financial planning Financial planning can be studied from both, individual point of view or from the point of view of a company. From the point of view of the individual, financial planning can be thought of as an integrated approach to ensure the well being of th e individual under consideration (Diatax, n.d.). The importance of financial planning lies in the success of a business. For a company, financial plan refers to primarily to three financial statements i.e. balance sheet, income statement as well as the cash flow statement. The financial plan is created with the plan of the business and it can also refer to the projected income or expenditure for a division of a company or the company itself. The decision regarding the processes of cash flow and the estimation of total cash requirements is also taken into account in the financial plan. Financial planning acts as the backbone of a business and if any company operates without any financial planning it is likely to end up in financial distress or financial grip. If the company runs of the roadmap of solid financial foundation it is assumed that the organization will be able to provide a good act in the realm of payable accounts. The financial planning is helpful for the financial analys ts to withstand the harder times and take advantage of the good times. A good and proper financial planning paves the way for the company when to deal with the outstanding debt as well as the rise in the operating costs. Every company should have a planned financial plan in order to anticipate the conditions of the future. The financial pla